As you may have heard, a section of the new M8 Tunnel (from the end of the M5 Motorway at Kingsgrove to St Peters Interchange) is now opened to traffic, providing a much safer and quicker journey for your drivers and passengers.

We are pleased to inform you that FAREWAYplus is updated to support the new M8 toll for merchants operating on a metro fare structure.
How the toll is added?
The total amount will be added to the Cabcharge meter app and the information will be displayed in the bottom left corner of the meter.

It is likely that your terminal is already updated, if not, to ensure your meter software is up to date, please follow the steps below:
Please inform your drivers to complete the following steps:
End Shift on Cabcharge EFTPOS, if already in one
Start new shift on Cabcharge EFTPOS (file will start downloading in background)
Once new shift is successfully started, wait approximately 3 minutes (to allow time for file to completely download).
End shift on Cabcharge EFTPOS
Restart from Settings on the Cabcharge meter (SETTINGS > RESTART). You will have to scroll down several times to get to the restart option.
Please let us know if you experience any difficulties.